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Mums set to suffer from predicted pump price surge over summer

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Mums set to suffer from predicted pump price surge over summer

Research from RAC shows mums feel most impacted by high fuel cost

Mums are most likely to feel the brunt of a predicted sharp increase in the cost of fuel over the summer as world oil prices rise and the pound drops against the dollar, according to the RAC.

Analysis of the raw data from the RAC’s Report on Motoring 2013 reveals that nearly two thirds (63%) of mums feel their lifestyle has significantly suffered because of the existing high cost of fuel – 10% above dads and 12% above the national average.

Consumers have enjoyed a brief respite from rising fuel prices at the pump over recent months, however, analysts agree this is set to change with a more volatile picture over the holiday season – and in particular a predicted 3p hike in the coming weeks.

The impact of any rising fuel cost is most likely to be felt by mums planning summer holiday activities such as trips to the beach, national parks and other such destinations with children. Further RAC research shows that 43%* of motorists are planning to use their car to take them on holiday.

The Report on Motoring, which was launched in June[1], already revealed that a third of mums (33%) say they have either stopped, or would have to stop, using their car to carry out family commitments. This includes activities such as visiting elderly relatives or transporting their children if, as expected, the cost of motoring continues to rise.

Following the introduction of the EU Gender Directive in May 2013, which enforces insurers to disregard gender when calculating insurance rates, premiums for many female drivers have increased. The Report on Motoring shows 38% of mums have seen their premiums go up in the past 12 months compared to only 29% of dads.

Justine Roberts, CEO and co-founder Mumsnet, the UK’s largest network for parents, said the findings were not a surprise.

She said: "Many Mumsnet users are juggling the rising costs of essentials like childcare, food prices and utility bills, and the cost of running a car can be a big financial pressure, particularly since the hike in car insurance premiums for women under the EU Gender Directive.”

The report shows that fifth of mums (20%) would be forced to give up their car to carry out shopping for essential items such as food and a quarter (24%) have had to cut back on using their car for conducting elements of their social life such as visiting friends.

More than a fifth (22%) said they have or would stop commuting to work, compared to 15% of the national average.

RAC technical director David Bizley said: “This forecast rise in fuel will be a devastating blow for families planning their annual holidays – and our research shows that mums will feel the pinch more than any other group.

“Every day motorists across the UK are being forced to make difficult choices in an effort to save money, but it is clear that mums are making the greatest sacrifices, particularly when it comes to the use of their car.

“With mums often looking after the household budget it seems they are sacrificing certain aspects of their lives in an effort to save money and to ensure the rest of the family doesn’t go without.

“There is also the impact of rising insurance premiums which is clearly adding to their desire to try to reduce the use of their car.

“Never has there been a more expensive time to be a motorist and we will continue to lobby the Government alongside FairFuelUK to raise awareness of the hardship faced by the UK’s motorists and ultimately drive down costs at the pumps.”

Parents who are struggling with the cost of fuel and motoring in general can turn to Mumsnet,com for top tips on making money go further in your car.

Justine said: “There are lots of discussions on our site about how to make ends meet, whether it's car-pooling for the school run or cutting down on supermarket shops, and fuel efficiency is a priority when buying a family friendly car."

* Online survey conducted by Ragdoll Research with 1,330 UK consumers on from 16-18 July 2013.


Notes to Editors

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First formed in 1897, the RAC has been looking after the needs of its members and championing the interests of drivers for more than 120 years.

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The RAC’s annual Report on Motoring – first published in 1989 – is one of a kind and provides a clear insight into the concerns and issues facing today’s motorists.

For the very latest news on UK fuel prices, check RAC Fuel Watch. It provides a comprehensive guide to the latest UK unleaded petrol and diesel prices – both at the wholesale level and at the pump - and tracks these prices daily to help drivers check if the price they pay to fill up is a fair one.


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